
Laurent Perrier Garden - Jardins, Jardin 2010

Il giardino Laurent-Perrier per l'edizione  di Jardin, Jardins per il 2010 è stato progetatto dall garden designer britannica e medaglia d'oro al Chelsea Flower Show di Londra, Jinny Blom. Il giardino cerca di evocare sia l'eleganza dello chamapgne che la regione da cui proviene, il suo paesaggio e linee, attraverso l'astrazione della vista aerea territorio agricolo.  / The Laurent-Perrier garden for Jardins, Jardin 2010 has been designed by the 2007 Chelsea Gold Medal designer Jinny Blom who decided to represent in this work of hers the birth of Champagne. The garden tries to evoke not only the creation and elegance of the wine itself but also the place where it comes from, its landscape, its lines. Infact, the garden is the representation of the fragmented aerial view of the Champagne region: flowery spots among meadows areas whose pattern is interrupetd only by long white stripes. A central white path crosses the whole garden, passing through a grape broken in two which are 6 mt long and 2,5 mt wide: the pure white sculptures reveals a black pattern of broken bottles inside. The overall effect is magnificent and very sophisticated.


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