La Gunnera manicata è una pianta perenne a portamento cespitoso che nelle zone di origine si trova zone molto umide (margini di fiumi e torrenti). Presenta foglie molto grandi, simili al rabarbaro. I fiori sono minuscoli, color giallo verdastro, riuniti in pannocchie o in dense spighe erette, simili a spazzole; i fiori basali sono normalmente femminili, quelli superiori maschili, quelli nel mezzo a volte bisessuali / Gunnera manicata, or giant rhubarb, a native of Brazil, is an ornamental plant of the Gunneraceae family. The underside of the leaf and the whole stalk have spikes on them. The leaves of Gunnera grow to an impressive size. Leaves with diameters well in excess of four feet are commonplace, with a spread of 10 feet by 10 feet on a mature plant. This plant grows best in damp conditions e.g. by the side of garden ponds, but dislikes winter cold and wet. Cover the plant with its own dead foliage to protect the crown in winter. Despite the common name, this plant is not edible.
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