Il Festival internazionale di Chaumont-sur-Loire è stata una fonte di ispirazione continua per l'arte dei giardini sin dal 1992. Dai suoi inizi, sono stati creati più di 400 giardini, prototipi dei giardini del futuro. Nel 2010, 18 giardini sono stati scelti tra i 300 progetti inviati da tutto il mondo, rivelandosi non solo come vetrina per nuovi talenti ma anche come catalizzatore di idee sia per gli specialisti del settore che i privati.Di seguito troverete una selezione dei giardini più interessanti o fuori dagli schemi del 2010.
International Garden Festival has been providing a unique panorama of
landscape design all over the world since 1992. In 18 seasons, almost
400 gardens have been designed, which are prototypes of the gardens of
the future. This year, around twenty gardens have been selected by the
Jury from over 300 proposals that came in from all over the world. Great
Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan and the Netherlands are represented in
the same time a source of ideas and a nursery for talent, the festival
gives an extra boost to the art of gardens and gains the interest of
both the public and those in the trade by displaying new flower
arrangements, new materials, new ideas and new approaches. The diversity
and the high quality of the projects have contributed to the festival’s
international reputation, which has become an indisputable meeting
place for displaying the work of a new generation of landscape
gardeners, architects, designers or gardeners."
Here it is a small selction of my personal favourite ones.

Garden n° 18 - The garden that sings by Rosalie Zeile and Amalia Besada, landscape architects, Germany.
Garden n° 16 - Posh Tea, Posh People by PiP Partnership - George Richardson and Jules Arthur - landscape partnership, England.

Garden n° 19 - Angels' hair by Christophe Marchalot, government approved architect, and Félicia Fortuna, author, France.

Garden n° 21 - Calligr-âme [Soul poem] by Hélene Le Merdy, government approved architect, Michaêl Ripoche, horticultural engineer, Jean-Michel Letellier and Miki Nakamura, artists, France & Japan.
Garden n° 3 - My Earth Mother by Olivier Hostiou, landscape engineer, Marie Forêt and Laurent Weiss, wicker worker , France.
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