Lo scorso 4 giugno la settima edizione di Jardins, Jardin ha aperto le sue porte nei giardines des Tuleries, a Parigi. Quest'anno, gli organizzatori dell'evento hanno voluto sfidare i progettisti a proporre una visione innovatora e contemporanea di giardino, capace di cambiare la maniera di vedere e considerare la connessione tra natura e città, attraverso la realizzazione di proposte non solo "ecologicamente corrette" e la messa in discussione del nostro rapporto con la natura. / The chic-est garden festival of all has reached it's 7th edition: located in the magnificent Tuileries Gardens in the very heart of Paris, Jardins, Jardin gives us an idea of the latest trends in gardens and the "green world". For 2010, the organizers of the event have challenged designers to propose a contemporary and innovative vision of the garden, able to change our perspective and make us consider in a different way the connection between nature and cities. Ecology
and sustainability have been the favourite themes but with a twist.
Infact, designers are not simply making "ecologically correct" gardens,
they are re-inventing our role towards nature itself as exemplified by Amaury Gallon (designer at Jardins,Jardin 2010) "I
consider the garden as an ecosystem with its animal or vegetable
biodiversity. The Man must be able to express himself artistically but
also respect the balances of this natural space."Art and Nature are effectively combined in most of these gardens, creating interesting, poetic places.

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